Thursday, November 18, 2010

Most Embarrasing Delivery EVER!

The other night I went to drop the verse card and a gift card. I put them both on the center console of my very, very messy van. Halfway to Rachel and Jeremy's I heard the gift card slide onto the floor while I was taking a turn. I didn't think much about it until I got to their house and went to find it. It was GONE! So there I am, parked in front of the house trying to subtly dig through three inches of trash, leftover snacks, Sunday school papers and baby paraphernalia. Yep, that's real sneaky. Finally I decided I should just pull around the corner and get out of the van. So there I am, on my hands and knees in the back seat of the van when a very nice POLICE OFFICER pulls over to see if I need any help. Of course I didn't hear him coming up behind me because I was talking to myself and to my children (who, incidentally, weren't with me and probably couldn't hear me anyway, but whatever). It took awhile to convince him that I wasn't 1)drunk, 2)high, 3)recently escaped from some mental institution. Once I explained the whole story he went on his merry little way with a smirk on his face that I just really didn't appreciate. ANYWAY, I finally found the gift card, made the drop and headed for home. Halfway home my phone rings, so I turn on the light to look for that when I discover the GIFT CARD sitting on the front seat. So I turned back around, went back to the Olimb's, removed my YMCA membership card from the little green box and left the actual gift card. Then I went home and told my husband the entire story ending with, "Please, please don't tell anyone what happened tonight. It would be completely embarrassing!"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

will I ever feel stealthy?

Ok so I deliver at least once a week...not just for myself but usually dropping for someon else that lives farther away.  I STILL get all sweaty and knots in my stomache when I round the corner to the Olimbs!  I always think...what if they're out by the door? or, what will I say if they just happen to walk out?  I always pull up a little past their house and, run as though I am on fire run - to the door and back!  I think I should start timing myself :)
Reagan always asks me "Mommy are we going to the running house?"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Laughing All Way. Ha Ha Ha!

Ok, I admit it. I'm old and it took me a while just to figure out how to blog. I should have asked Bayee but I'm old and stubborn. It was our night and we wanted to wait till it was really late and make it an adventure. Right? The problem was telling Gary where we were going (Adrianna, Baylee and myself). We got the usual retort of "crazy woman!" So off we went driving in the dark. Did I mention I'm old? I don't see very well in the dark anymore and the girls aren't very good at reading maps. We finally arrived at our destination. Funny thing was, the neighbors seemed to be standing around waiting for this arrival. They didn't seem nervous, just curious. Of course we went to the wrong door at first but we made it, laughing all the way.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In the Spot Light

By nature I am a planner. I think things through and try to make things go smoothly. Obviously this doesn't always happen. Like my first time delivery to the Olimbs. Since Andy works swing shift I knew I had to choose days that he was home at night to make delivery as easy as possible. Ha! As Rachel would say. Since we deliver the night of the date we chose my planning did not work.
Waiting for the cover of darkness, I finally left with Taylor in the back seat asking all the way, "Where are we going, Mommy? What are we doing, Mommy?" Since Asher's birthday party was in a few days I didn't want to tell her and have her blurt something out at the party and spoil the surprise.
I had not been to the Olimb's house at night in months so it was to my great surprise when our car rounded the ben and found they had installed spot lights out front. How was I going to sneak up and make my delivery? I don't think I have ever run so fast. I could just feel beaty eyes looking out the peep hole in the front door. As I approached the door I could hear noise from inside... my heart was racing. Thank God I made it back in the car, undetected as far as I can tell, and Taylor didn't say a word about it again. Until next time...